Is Sexuality a Luxury?

Anusha G
2 min readAug 15, 2021

As I sat to brainstorm another article for my ‘Sex Talk Sundays’ series, I started to think about why this was important to me. I began the idea on a serious note; to address the lack of awareness on consensual sex and the missing voice of women in sex-related conversations. Slowly, I saw how people, and I, perceived sexuality. It was either a health-related or an activism-driven discussion. The general question that I, and many, had was this…

In a world that grappled with many critical issues, was talking about sexuality was a luxury?

Sexuality is the way we identify ourselves and how we express sexual and/or romantic feelings towards others (if we do). It determines our attitudes and behaviour in relationships. Karl Pribram, a neuropsychologist, included sex as one of the basic human drives, alongside feeding, fighting, and fleeting. Drive states that are linked to our survival. That dictate our every feeling, thought, and behaviour.

Researchers and economists have found sexual wellbeing to be central to human wellbeing. Higher sexuality awareness or education meant a higher quality of life and stronger and more meaningful relationships. Countries that ranked high on the Human Development Index also ranked high on the Human Freedom Index.



Anusha G

Creative Writer | Sex Talk Sunday Series | Film Enthusiast