Why Caste Matters: Being an Anti-Caste Ally

Anusha G
3 min readJan 23, 2022

(Read Part 1: Examing Religion | Part 2: Examining Our Socio-Economic Structure)

There was a lot more I wanted to cover, but hopefully, I put my point across. I didn’t want to bring up the violent atrocities that happen against oppressed communities — not because we are fully aware of it. The media rarely pays attention to their stories (I was shocked at how little I knew about the caste-based violence in Hyderabad myself.). I didn’t want to because most people see it as an isolated event and get away by saying, “But we aren’t like that.”

They fail to see how we’re part of the problem — we’re part of the system that carries out these institutional murders. Also, it shouldn’t take us an extreme crime to recognise our casteism.

What Can We Do?

(Source: Tweet)

Assume you have it and listen to experts about it.

We all have implicit biases. Think of the times you’ve argued against reservations versus casteism. You know the answer.

Start by reading Annihilation of Caste by Dr B.R. Ambedkar (it’s only 50 pages) and more of his work. You could also follow these creators on Instagram:



Anusha G

Creative Writer | Sex Talk Sunday Series | Film Enthusiast